Retrieval Practice as a Teaching Strategy to Promote Conceptual Learning in Physics


The objective this study is to analyze the results of a retrieval practice (KARPICKE, 2012), by transcoding of an artistic sign into a scientific concept, carried out with brazilian high school students who attended of a mini-course on energy conservation with the use of the active learning methodology Peer Instruction (MAZUR, 1997) and aligned with the Backward Design approach (WIGGINS & MCTIGHE, 1998). The retrieval practice reveals the students’ learning levels, since they did not need to be limited to solving exercises that usually dominate traditional classes, like this allowed the students could retrieve the content learned and apply it in a new context. We also highlight that the role of the teacher should be to promote changes in students’ learning levels to higher cognitive levels that involve application and analysis of learned knowledge, which goes beyond simple memorization. With this work, we seek to contribute to the advances of research on training physics teacher with regard to the introduction of retrieval practice as an instructional strategy in the classroom.


Marcelo Barros
Professor, São Carlos Physics Institute, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning


Physics Teaching, Active Learning, Retrieval Practice, Peer Instruction, Backward Design