Application of Digital Technologies as Tools for Transformative Agricultural Science Instructional Delivery in Secondary Schools


This study examines the application of digital technologies as tools for transformative instructional delivery. Four specific purposes, research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design where 80 subjects representing 64 teachers of agriculture and 16 principals in Udenu local government area of Enugu State, Nigeria participated in the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data collected were later subjected to mean, Pearson product-moment correlation, ANOVA and t-test to answer the research questions and test the hypotheses at a 5% significant level. The result shows that the application of digital technologies helps to reduce learners’ boredom (3.52.75), improves learners’ performance (3.63.51), used as a visual aid for learners (3.56.61), among others. There was a positive, strong and significant relationship between the application of digital technologies and effective instructional delivery (+.895, p=.001<.05, F=17.73), competency of teachers to the application of digital technologies and effective instructional delivery (+998, p=.001<0.5, F=16263.45), and frequency of the application of digital technologies and effective instructional delivery (+.999, p=.001<.05, F=31436.14). There was no evidence of autocorrelation and multicollinearity in the regression models, between the application of digital technologies and effective instructional delivery (2.03, Tolerance=1.00, VIF=1.00), competency of teachers in the application of digital technologies and effective instructional delivery (2.38, Tolerance=1.00, VIF=1.00) and frequency of the application of digital technologies and effective instructional delivery (2.00, Tolerance=1.00, VIF=1.00). Digital technologies when applied in teaching facilitate effective instructional delivery in agriculture.


Cajethan Ugwuoke
Senior Lecturer, Agricultural Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Agricultural Science, Digital Technologies, Instructional Delivery, Learning