Cultivating Calmer Schools - Create a Clear Roadmap for Responding to Difficult Staff and Student Situations: Trauma-informed Leadership


Participants will be able to describe the three elements that are necessary in order to cultivate a calmer school. Participants will be able to select from a variety of proactive calming tools to benefit staff and students. Participants will create a roadmap to utilize when de-escalation is needed, which can also be used to train staff. Calm is a state of feeling relaxed, at ease, or without stress. We cannot remove stress from our schools entirely, but each of us can take proactive steps to cultivate calmer schools and classrooms. We will explore practical strategies that help us choose calm every day, even when difficult situations arise. During this session, participants will create a clear road map for coaching staff to remain calm by applying intentional strategies that reduce the frequency of escalated behavior along with the best approaches for responding to heated situations.


Meredith McNerney
Education Consultant, The Calmer Schools Network, Maryland, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Educational Organization and Leadership


Managing difficult employees, Responding to difficult student behavior, Cultivating calm