Higher Education Curriculum Developments with the Advent of Augmented Reality Technology


In recent decades, augmented reality has attracted more attention. Adding a layer of virtual information has provided a new experience for higher education to increase the response to the needs of a large and diverse population of users. This research examines the use of augmented reality technology in the higher education curriculum with 14 sample from three groups who participated in the study. The results of the research show that it is necessary to pay attention to the opportunities, challenges, context, strategies, and consequences of introducing augmented reality technology to the curriculum of higher education. Higher education curriculum should consider the significance of educational technologies such as augmented reality technology, an instance of which is its important role in observing and advising on diseases (Coronavirus and other diseases) in higher education centers. Also, educational curriculum should realise the value of achievements that augmented reality technology brings and its contributions to the educational system. Furthermore, educational curriculum should monetize augmented reality technology’s contributions to cost-savings and broadening educational access and digital education equity.


Esmaiel Jafari
Education, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran