E-learning for Everyone: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Makes Every Classroom More Effective


The COVID-19 pandemic brought unpredictable confusion and grief. However, for willing schools, it catalyzed reform. Post-pandemic, many educational leaders worldwide speak of “returning to normal” and getting students back to face-to-face instruction as quickly as possible. This has been supported by researchers “proving” face-to-face classes lead to better student outcomes than remote learning. So, what should be done pedagogically with the findings of the last three years? We have learned from remote learning ways to enhance the experiences of all students, and if applied, every classroom can be more effective by integrating e-learning best practices. In this session, we review and evaluate the work of Elucidat and other premier e-learning curators to improve all learning experiences for children in mixed modes of sociability: blending face-to-face, remote, synchronous and asynchronous. The content of this session will include an introductory definition of e-learning, including its essential ingredients that make it effective in a crisis. Next, practical takeaways from remote learning, which have emerged as instructional design best practices, are enumerated. Throughout, time will be spent reflecting, discussing, and applying our collective learning from this pandemic to make each classroom we influence more effective.


Derek Porter
Research Coordinator | Global Thinking Teacher, Middle School, St. Christopher's School, Virginia, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Pedagogy and Curriculum


E-learning, Microlearning, Post-Pandemic, Best Practices, Pedagogy, Contextualization, Gamification, Sticky Learning