Educational Reform for Black and Brown Students: "A System Cannot Fail Those it was Never Meant to Protect" - W.E B. Du Bois


The American Educational System has an equity problem. Black and Brown students are still statistically are not meeting the educational standards as their non-black and brown counter parts. As W.E. B Du Bois stated “A System Cannot Fail those it was Never Meant to Protect.” The question this session considers is, “ the system failed them, what do we do next?” Educational reform is imperative in order to close the achievement gap of black and brown student in the American Public Educational System.


Roslyn Billy
Assistant Professor, English Language Learners, Tennessee State University, Maryland, United States

Carmen Medina Garríguez
Principal, English, English Teacher, Official School of Languages, Antequera, Málaga, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learner Diversity and Identities


Educational Reform, Equity, Achievement Gap, Academic Success