Rethinking Participatory Pedagogies: Reflections on Students’ Experiences of Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum in India


This paper is part of a larger research endeavour to study students’ experiences of undergoing a student-led entrepreneurial mindset curriculum in government institutions in India. Using field insights panning over 2 years of curriculum implementation in the states of Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi, the research closely documents the complexities of the learning journey of students between the age of 15 to 25 years who experimented with entrepreneurial projects in their EMC classes in public institutions. The attempt is to bring out the intricacies of an interplay between structure and agency in experiences of achieving educational outcomes of the curriculum. The study discusses the challenges of forming design principles for entrepreneurial mindset classes in the context of a developing economy with an unprecedented high rate of unemployment and lack of optimal job creation insights. Reflecting on the narratives of the students, the paper is an ethnographic account of entrepreneurial pathways and career action that uncovers the nuances of experiential learning as a pedagogical framework in large scale government programmes in India.


Syeda Asia
Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, India

Sahaj Parikh
Lead, Business Blasters, Udhyam Learning Foundation, Karnataka, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Participatory, Pedagogy, Life Skills, Agency, Learning, Experiential, Projects, Entrepreneurship