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Creating a Culture of Evidence-informed Decision Making through Assessment Planning View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Jessica L. W. Miranda  

Institutions of higher education must engage in numerous institutional effectiveness efforts, including strategic planning, assessment, and accreditation. In this workshop, the presenter will share how assessment planning can be used as a tool to engage faculty, staff, and leadership from across an institution in identifying goals, gathering information, analyzing (i.e. making meaning and identifying the best paths forward), and improving practice based on evidence. Assessment is a foundational element of effective practice in academic affairs, student affairs, and administration; however, it is often seen as something that must be done for external requirements, instead of being an integral part of our day-to-day work. This workshop provides an overview of the key elements of assessment planning and engage participants in activities that can be used to guide their institution through effective assessment planning to build a culture of evidence-informed decision making. Participants will gain an understanding of how assessment is key to informed practice and determining whether or not practices are accomplishing what they are supposed to. Workshop participants will be led through an 11-step process of assessment planning through a combination of presentation, activities, and discussion.

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