Review and Reflect

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Patricia Nicholl, Student, Doctorate in Childhood Studies, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
Maria Talyta Rodrigues De Jesus, Student, English Major, Federal University of Piauí, Piauí, Brazil

Competency-based Antiracist Education View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Phillipe Copeland  

From white nationalism to backlash against racial progress, recent years have dramatized the urgency of antiracist teaching and learning. This paper presents a framework that serves as a basis for developing a Scholarship of Antiracist Teaching and Learning. It describes antiracist competencies that can inform curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. These include recognizing, analyzing, and changing the conditions leading to racial inequity. The paper explores how competency-based antiracist teaching and learning can help the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to fulfill its obligation to promote social justice.

Featured Communicating Affective Learning in Post-COVID-19 Speech Pedagogies View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Marielle Justine Sumilong  

For teachers and students, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of serious uncertainty, requiring unparalleled resilience and perseverance especially when education, by and large, shifted to and relied on online learning. When the pandemic hit, research on pedagogy, learning, and instructional communication found a consensus that affective skills –empathy, resilience, and the ability to cope with anxiety– turned out to have major impacts on children’s daily lives, and must be integrated and emphasized along with other cognitive and social skills. Already three (3) years into COVID-19, teachers and students’ heading back to campus has come as a welcome relief to many; however, as with the previous shift to online learning, the researcher believes that learning delivery-related changes and transitions anew may come with difficulties and nuances. Acknowledging the growing need to study affective learning and instructional communication in the post-pandemic times, this research endeavor primarily attempts to better understand how these changes and transitions affect the emotional experiences of students and teachers, and how effective instructional communication can support affective learning in the new educational landscape. More specifically, it aspires to contextualize affective learning in post-COVID-19 speech communication classrooms by answering: How do speech communication instructors facilitate, integrate, and communicate affective learning in their respective post-COVID-19 classes as perceived by their students?

Teacher Education and Decoloniality: Reflections of Teacher Researcher in an Autoetnographic Study View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Christiane Agra  

This paper reflects on my progress as a teacher educator in a Teaching Education Course with English language teachers carried out in 2018/2019. The study is situated in the field of Critical Applied Linguistics because it problematizes issues related to language in a social context (Moita Lopes, 2006; Pennycook, 2006) and investigated my concerns as a teacher, researcher and teacher educator in an autoetnographic narrative (Ellis, 2004; Tedlock, 2013; Starfield, 2020). My data collection instruments were my reflective diaries, audio recordings of the meetings, the lesson plans produced by the teachers; the informal conversations we had in between meetings; the interactions and activities carried out in the Moodle environment and the interactions carried out by the WhatsApp application, in addition to the moments I bring with me: memories, feelings, anxieties, joys, frustrations, which are part of my emotions. My theoretical framework is based on discussions about decolonial theories (Castro-Gomez, Grosfoquel, 2007; Souza Santos, 2007, 2013), about the roles played by contemporary education and the English language (Biesta, 2006, 2010); in addition to critical literacy (Menezes de Souza, 2011, Monte Mór, 2013; Duboc; 2018) and discussions about teacher education (Pimenta, 2002; Nóvoa, 2017, Furlanetto, 2011). My epiphanies, which are my interpretations of the data obtained in the research, lead me to perceive my imperfection (Todd, 2006) while I (re) built my SELVES (researcher, teacher educator and teacher) in search of the provocation of reflection and agency, in a decolonial perspective of teachers involved in the process.

Pedagogical Residency and the Pandemic: Some English Language Teacher Reflections View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Gildete Cecilia Neri Santos Teles  

This discussion reflects on the changes that crept into English Language Teaching in a public full-time school in Sergipe/Brazil through actions developed in a Teacher Education Project called Residência Pedagógica (Pedagogical Residency) – a Brazilian Project offered by the government as a partnership between universities and schools – during the pandemic. The reflections hold the English teacher perspective and focus on the challenges I have faced, the actions developed in the Emergency Remote Educational Activity and its unseen risks. For this analysis, a qualitative approach was adopted under the light of English language teacher education theories using the data kept during the project such as notes, lesson plans, on-line activities, video lessons and an account on Instagram created by me and my interns in order to improve our English moments with the students. Then, these findings point to how teachers are reinventing themselves despite lack of training, lack of technological tools and uncertainties. In addition, it is necessary to debate about this time, its consequences and possibilities.

Blind People Learning Mandarin Chinese: Case Studies View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Yerko Alfaro Castro  

This study is part of doctoral research on the teaching and learning of Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language for blind people. This phase of the research presents three case studies of blind people who are native Mandarin Chinese. Their demographic characteristics are diverse, as well as the context in which they have experienced blindness. The experience of native people allows providing information on the general learning of this language in the first years of life and establishing comparisons with blind people who study the language as a foreign language in youth and adulthood. Their stories offer information about their learning process, the use of the language in their territories, the adaptations in the technology they use the language, and the difficulties they have in learning their mother tongue.

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