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Sandro Silva Rocha, PhD Student and Language Instructor, Modern Languages Department, University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Leveraging Learning Through Experiences: How Hands-on Opportunities Can Make Meaning of the Classroom View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Ann Emo  

Experiential learning has been part of the conversation in higher education for decades. Most institutions have programs that integrate some element of experience into students' journey to a degree. How can faculty, advisers, and other support staff facilitate student driven experiential learning opportunities? In 1942 Keuka College implemented Field Period©, a distinct program that requires students to engage in a 140-hour experience for each year in college. This experiential learning program allows students to design their own learning objective and connect with partners for personal and professional growth opportunities. The success of the program rest not only on student motivation and responsibility but also on supportive site supervisors and dedicated advisers. This work has evolved as the needs of students shift over time. In response to the pandemic, we are looking at how hands-on learning has adapted to industry and educational challenges. Higher education is seen, more than ever, as a pipeline to employment and experiential learning as a pathway to careers. This workshop will provide tools to start the process and opportunity to discuss challenges, roadblocks, and triumphs. We will explore productive timelines, teamwork options, and sustainable partnership plans. Areas for discussion may also explore short-term study abroad, clinical placements and other practical workforce placements as opportunities for learning through experience.

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