Colloquium "Literacies and multiliteracies: A clash between hegemonic writing and multimodality?"

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Ana Karina de Oliveira Nascimento, Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

Multiletramentos ou Hipertextos na Hipermídia?

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Roxane H. R. Rojo  

Para responder à questão sobre se há um embate entre escrita e multimodalidade no conceito de Multiletramentos discutiremos se é possível chamar de letramentos os discursos hipermidiáticos que circulam em mídia digital ainda que precedidos pelo prefixo “multi”. Contrastaremos essa abordagem com os conceitos de hipertexto, hipermídia e metamídia de Lemke (2010[1998]).

Eurocentric and Anglo Academic Literacy Stressing the Colonial Self-other Dichotomy: A Call for the Legitimization of Local Alternative Textualities in English Language Programs View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Álvaro Hernán Quintero-Polo  

Academic writing that follows the Eurocentric and Anglo paradigm has principles that govern English writing classes to lead students into the academic discourse of Western universities. Yet if the goal is not for a one-way and top-down initiation but rather for inductively understanding and legitimizing other intellectual traditions that can inform local academic discourses, then English language classrooms should favor reworking and destabilizing ideologies within the canonical received knowledge. In that sense, this intervention in the colloquium focuses on the challenges placed by becoming academically literate for non-native speakers of English, and specifically uses the case of Colombian university students.

Contribuições de Estudos Recentes em Multimodalidade para o Desenvolvimento de Multiletramentos

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Viviane M. Heberle  

Multimodalidade pode ser entendida como um campo transdisciplinar, voltado para a investigação de potencialidades, uso e desenvolvimento de diferentes recursos semióticos. Trata-se de uma abordagem sociossemiótica da comunicação contemporânea, segundo Kress. Nesta fala inicialmente apresento estudos de multimodalidade sobre ambientes espaciais, toque, crossfit e sites institucionais e como esses diferentes “textos”/recursos semióticos socioculturais podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de multiletramentos. Pode-se afirmar que a escrita "hegemônica" é (e sempre foi!) multimodal e cada vez mais incorpora traços significativos de diferentes sistemas semióticos, além das escolhas léxico-gramaticais. Dessa forma, multimodalidade e multiletramentos deveriam caminhar juntos e criar conexões relevantes para a produção e interpretação de sentido.

Literacies and Multiliteracies: A Clash between Hegemonic Writing and Multimodality? View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Ana Karina de Oliveira Nascimento  

Since the 1990s, literacy studies have advanced in different parts of the world. Sometimes focusing on digital literacies as a result of a more digital world; other times, focusing on pedagogical practices connected to literacies, i. e., multiliteracies. This became even more highlighted after the1996 New London Group article. Years have gone by and more researchers have dedicated their investigations to literacies and multiliteracies, including scholars located in countries from the Global South, such as Brazil and Colombia. In this colloquium, researchers from different countries aim at discussing literacies and multiliteracies, considering that those are part of a neoliberal agenda in a post-pandemic time with all the consequences that arise from this reality. Thus, presenters in this colloquium focus on literacies and multiliteracies, discussing a possible clash between hegemonic writing and multimodality in a neoliberal post-pandemic world.

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