New Distance Teaching Methods of the Russian Foreign Language


The new realities in which the academic community found itself as a result of the COVID-19 health emergency situation, prompted teachers to undertake searches for new technologies for teaching foreign languages, in particular, the RFL (Russian Foreign Language), which should focus on the possibility of making ubiquitous learning, removing barriers and reducing the distance. One of the first to emerge was the International Online Learning Project “Our Neighbours”. The main goal of the project is to overcome various difficulties of distance education and to develop oral interaction skills among students or, in other words, to teach them to communicate in Russian. The fulfillment of said task is subject to a special organisation of virtual classrooms, a particular methodology of presentation of the lesson and an exhaustive selection of didactic materials. Obviously, one of the ways to solve the problems associated with the transition to online learning is the use of video affordances and, above all, recordings of excursions and tours, which make learning ubiquitous. The “Russia is calling you” method of the team of professors of the Lomonosov Moscow State University is a multimedia project for teaching Russian language and culture at a distance, which includes videos of its authors’ tours of the most outstanding cities and towns in Russia; linguistic material suitable for students of different communicative levels and courses of varying duration and intensity; and transcripts of each recorded excursion.


Svetlana Maliavina
profesora, Filología Alemana y Filología Eslava, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Yulia Ryzhich
Moscow State University Lomonosov, Russian Federation

Valery Tchastnykh
Moscow State University Lomonosov, Russian Federation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Russian, Didactics, Distance, Learning