My Sister’s Keeper: Supporting Multicultural Female Students and Leaders in Educational Spaces


As a result of having dual membership within two historically oppressed, but sacred social identities, multicultural women have had a complex and revolutionary history in educational spaces. Although unique in nature and narrative, both multicultural, racial identities and womanhood have been subject to impartiality and marginalition in various educational contexts. For this reason, multicultural women have had to employ a reformative agenda to navigate and advance within educational systems as their treatment as learners, scholars and professionals within the p-20 academic pipeline has been and continues to be a universal concern. With this understanding, a systematic literature review explores various tools and efforts that educators can use to support multicultural female students and leaders at the secondary, university and professional level. A critical global lens and a culturally responsive perspective will be the foundation of this systematic literature review. As a result of our review, we will advance inclusive education by strengthening educational leaders’ strategies and understanding in supporting multicultural women and their heterogeneity and complexity within various educational spaces. We propose specific strategies for educational leaders to use to capture the strengths of minority women as they represent a significant and growing percentage of the educational domain and workspace. For this reason, we will inform leadership and educational preparation programs of ways to structure their preparation to better include and propel multicultural women. In doing so, we acknowledge and normalize the variance, value and impact of multicultural women and their contributions to educational settings.


Stephanie Tilley
Student, PhD Educational Leadership, Prairie View A & M University, United States

Barbara Garcia Powell
Student, Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Higher Education, Prairie View A&M University (Prairie View, Texas), Texas, United States

Myriah Hampton
Student, PhD, Prairie View A&M University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learner Diversity and Identities


Multicultural Women, Support Strategies, Inclusive Educational Practices