The Reflections of International Higher Education Trends in Turkey


Depending on the developments in social, cultural, economic, and technological areas, there is a radical transformation in the concept of university and in the institutional structure and governance of the university. Higher education in the world has a tendency to expand and differentiate by moving to a new dimension dynamized by globalization, competition and technological development. In parallel with the higher education trends in the world in Turkey’s higher education, the agenda focuses on massification, internationalization, attempts to create a world-class university, world rankings, quality in higher education, and associate professorship criteria. Examining the reflections of global higher education trends on Turkey is of great importance in terms of accurately reading all this change/transformation experienced in relation to the concept of university and higher education. The aim of this paper is to make an analysis by taking into account the current and presented indicators of the developments in higher education in Turkey, which is in a dynamic process in Turkey, and to propose supportive policies by taking into account the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the higher education system of Turkey. It is extremely critical for higher education in Turkey to support legal and structural change movements by better reading international trends in line with short, medium and long-term goals, to maintain quantitative and qualitative growth together, and to lay the groundwork for the development of higher education institutions in Turkey by defining the quality and qualifications framework more clearly.


Şahabettin Akşab
Student, PhD Candidate, Middle East Technical University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Educational Organization and Leadership