Remedial Work for Developing Emotional Intelligence and Positive Thinking in First-year Teacher Education Programme Students at University


Specially organized remedial measures promote the growth of emotional intelligence and improvement of positive thinking in first-year students of teacher education programmes. Thus, it is important to study the possibilities for developing EI and positive thinking in first-year teacher education programme students for their future professional success. Nowadays, it is not just academic knowledge in the professional field that is important for professional activity, but also the ability to recognize and control emotions and to perceive the social environment in a positive way. Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ- i)) and Diener Positive Thinking Scale were used. A remedial work programme for the development of EI and positive thinking was designed. To check the effectiveness of remedial work, a survey was conducted before and after the implementation of the programme. It has been found that specially designed remedial work promotes the improvement of EI and positive thinking in the university education environment. Future studies need to be performed on the possibilities for the development of EI in upper-year students.


Svetlana Guseva
Docent, Pedagogy and Educational Psychology, Daugavpils University, Latvia


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Learning in Higher Education


Emotional Intelligence, Positive Thinking, Remedial Work, Students