Strengthening of Cultural Identity in High School Using a Mobile App


Cultural identity is the sense of belonging to a certain social group. So, an individual can identify with some of the cultural contents of a social group such as beliefs, traditions, symbols, customs, and values. This research work arose from a need expressed by the Afro-descendant community of the municipality of Moñitos, to integrate information and communication technologies in educational processes related to strengthening the cultural identity of the community’s student population. Therefore, this research work aims to strengthen the cultural identity of the student population, through ethno-educational technology. The ethno-educational technology was approached from the approach of a mobile application, whose contents are related to traditions, symbols, customs and values ​​of the Afro-descendant community of the municipality of Moñitos. The research is qualitative with an action research approach. An intervention design was carried out in 4 phases with 11th grade students. As a result, a high level of satisfaction was obtained from students and teachers, who welcomed the mobile application due to its innovation and didactic use. In the validations of the use of the application, the students evidenced the acquisition of knowledge about the cultural identity of their community.


Manuel Caro
Researcher, Computers in Education, Universidad de Cordoba, Córdoba, Colombia

Rosa María Pérez-Fajardo
Student, Licenciatura en Informática y Medios Audiovisuales, Universidad de Córdoba , Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Cultural identity, Ethno-educational technology, Mobile application, High school