Will We Ever Be Able To Do This Again?: How the Political Context and COVID Interrupted Two International Cross-cultural Experiences


Colleges and universities, including those in the United States, have long recognized and valued internationalization of curricula, in which international, intercultural, or global dimensions are integrated into programs (Gay, 2018; Knight, 2008). Students develop both academic and non-academic skills related to cultural competence, communication, and collaboration (Haughton, 2018; Haughton & Schödl, 2020; Mansilla & Jackson, 2011). Existing challenges related to resources, travel logistics, and geopolitical problems (Altbach & de Wit, 2018; Jiang & Carpenter, 2013) and exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, have interrupted and even suspended many traditional study abroad programs. Therefore, access to more non-traditional and flexible options that require shorter travel time and “at-home” non-travel experiences might re-engage students and increase participation. This is especially important in fields of study with historically low participation such as Education [(Institute of International Education (IIE), nd]. American pre-service teacher (PST) preparation includes a grounding in pedagogical and assessment practices including issues related to equity, 21st century technology, and cross-cultural competences in instructional planning, delivery, and assessment. Participation in international cross-cultural contexts further supports development in these critical areas (Malewski, Sharma, & Phillion, 2012; NCES, 2021; Soria & Trosi, 2014). This paper describes two non-traditional study abroad experiences that were interrupted by political events and Covid-19. Strategies and implications for re-establishing each program is offered and discussed.


Noela Haughton
Professor of Education, Educational Studies, University of Toledo, Ohio, United States

Marcella Kehus
University of Toledo, Ohio


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Study Abroad, At-HomePrograms,Teacher Education,Covid-19