The Lectures of Avantgarde in Russia: Style versus the State


The artists, poets, and musicians of this era were rebels and dreamers who stood firm against tradition and preached new art in a new world. They painted their faces and walked with wooden spoons in their buttonholes; they fought to defeat the sun and believed in technological progress and spaceflight. The avant-garde made a valuable contribution to Russian art and its image in the world art world. We consider the founders of new Russian art in the lecture.


Szabolcs Jókay
Student, Psychology, ELTE, Budapest, Hungary

Juhász Imre
Psychology, ELTE, Budapest, Hungary

János Urbancsek
Student, Psychology, ELTE, Hungary


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Learning in Higher Education


Abstract Art Abstract Expressionism Aestheticism Cubism Dada Expressionism Fauvism Futurism