Transcendent Thinking


This paper is about a thinking process that can help anyone and everyone live a better life and possibly even create a better society. Individuals use transcendent thinking simply by observing their life surroundings and recognizing life lessons from it. For example, persons learning to drive a car soon discover that they must be aware of their environment as they drive. What they observes tells them something called “life lesson” in this paper. There are many lessons in everyone’s life and they start coming shortly after a person is born. This thinking process can be taught in high school, college, and adult education. The educational process for teaching transcendent thinking is best if it is normal teaching of concepts but also includes classroom experience actually using this thinking process. The latter is done by asking the students to identify problem life events and then applying transcendent thinking to conceptually move from life events to life lessons, to possible solutions, and finally to fundamental values behind various solutions. The purpose of transcendent thinking is to achieve an ever increasing and evolved consciousness.


Thomas Lynch
Adjunct Professor, College of Professional Studies, Public Service, Hawaii Pacific University, Hawaii, United States

Cynthia E. Lynch
Hawaii Pacific University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Critical Thinking, Possibility Thinking, Transcendent Thinking, Life Long Learning