Expanding the Reach of Teacher Education : Pivoting to the Online World during COVID and Beyond


This workshop will engage with participants sharing examples of the necessary changes that took place in a traditional teacher training program during COVID and why these changes are for the best. Providing future teachers with the preparation and knowledge necessary to teach and mentor in a virtual world while also preparing to teach in person is a necessity in our changing reality. The College of Education at United States University will share the pedagogy, tools and technology utilized to make this change and why it matters. The ability to reach diverse teacher candidates in areas that may not be served by local universities is crucial as we move to address the shortage of teachers throughout the United States.


Rebecca Wardlow
Dean, College of Education, United States University, California, United States

Joanna Simpson
Program Director/Associate Professor, College of Education, United States University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Learning in Higher Education

