Romance Language Intercomprehension: Analysis of European Teaching Projects and a Look towards Future Educational Applications


At the turn of the century, several types of research in additional language education have been carried out to investigate the effectiveness of pluralistic approaches such as intercomprehension (IC). At this moment, it is possible to count twenty projects in IC that have been published on websites or made available for use through printed work. Despite the number of accessible projects, the research on the viability of these teaching materials is scarce. Therefore, this work has the need to seek further implementation of these projects in plurilingual educational approaches. For this reason, this study has explored both the nature and the practical educational possibilities of four European Romance-IC projects: EuroComRom, EuRom5, Euromania, and Romanica Intercom. In order to analyze them from a qualitative-descriptive methodology, an observation guide based on Bloom’s taxonomy and a SWOT chart were used. The study concluded that all reviewed projects presented an exploitation of written texts. Upon analysis it was revealed that they would not be considered satisfactory as to work with them transversely in classroom practice, making IC a limited methodology in the long run. This work attempts to guide the IC approach towards an integration and application in the curricular frameworks for additional language education. Moreover, we endeavor to promote plurilingual and intercultural competences as fundamental pieces in the education process as well as to form a citizenry that acknowledges, respects, and values the languages spoken in society.


Raquel Serrano
Student, Màster de Recerca en Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura, Universitat de Barcelona (Campus Mundet), Barcelona, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus: Intercultural Learning in Plurilingual Contexts


Intercomprehension, Romance languages, Plurilingual and intercultural competences, Additional language education