Supporting Learner Variability through Gameful Design and Personalized Language Learning


Students enter Chinese language classrooms with various language and cultural backgrounds, needs, and learning preferences. Instructors can address learner variability by designing curricula that support diverse learners (Rao, 2019) based on the concepts of gameful design and personalized learning. Gameful design and personalized learning allow students to experience a deeper sense of achievement, promote engagement and intrinsic motivation, build aptitudes and strengths (Hughey, 2020; Metwally et al., 2021). The authors share best practices and considerations, including task menu, grading-up system, infographics, for adopting gameful design to support learner variability in an advanced Chinese language course at the college level. We review utilizing gameful design elements (e.g., choices, point systems, levels, aesthetics) in designing a personalized learning experience. With given tools and templates, participants will brainstorm and design gamified personalized learning assignments for their own classes.


Weina Li Chen
Clinical Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University, California, United States

Hsiao Yun Liao
senior lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Southern California, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Gameful Design, Personalized Language Learning, Chinese, Learner Variability