The Use of YouTube at Higher Education Institution: Part of a Communication Tool for Knowledge Impartation to Students


COVID-19 saw an instant change in education throughout the world. Face-to-face learning became virtual learning and students, as well as lecturers, were forced to become competent in the field of technology to a certain degree. Everyone was trained in technology so that they could interact on the various online platforms used. Many higher education institutions were using Moodle as the preferable medium of teaching and learning. However, not all lecturers were competent in using all the features and were not comfortable with using BLUE BUTTON to present their lectures. Many lecturers and students used WhatsApp to communicate. WhatsApp groups for classes were created by lecturers and links were sent to students and these were sent to other students. Results in class groups being created. In these groups, lessons were given and students and lecturers interacted with one another. Lecturers also sent Youtube links on relevant topics which were beneficial on lesson thought for the week. Youtube has lessons on various topics which can be used as a self-teaching tool. The Lecturer would listen to the video and then they could share the link. The theoretical framework for this study was the Shannon and Weaver’s theory. The aim of the paper is to describe the use of YouTube as a medium of communication used to impart knowledge during COVID-19 at Higher Education institutions. This is a desktop study and literature will be analyzed to show how social media has become the lifeline for education during COVID-19.


Dr Mike Megrove Reddy
Senior Lecturer, Communication Science, University of Zululand, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Keywords: Social Media, YouTube, COVID-19, Higher Education Institution