Cross-sectoral and Multi-stakeholder Partnerships for Upskilling Professionals and Adults Serving Children


Partnerships are essential for upskilling professionals who serve, educate, care for and protect young children, which includes professionals and adults who have direct or indirect contact with children including parents, educators, social workers, health professionals, law enforcement officers, lawyers, judges, and policy makers. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the partnering capacity of the organizations that serve these audiences on a regional and global level to be able to share the cost of research and development, and learn from best practices for implementation across nations. Furthermore, data has shown that COVID-19 has had an impact on local, regional and international organizations making effective partnerships a global necessity for not only success but survival. Using a case study approach, the transformational potential and early stages of a new global consortium involving 12 international partner organizations were analyzed in response to the global need for upskilling early childhood educators in two languages, English and Arabic. The global consortium, Global Childhood Academy (GCA) Platform is a new initiative that is utilizing digitization, artificial intelligence and automation to save costs, share data and tools amongst its stakeholders and consortium members. Our findings reveal insights and best practices for establishing cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder partnerships to achieve co-creation of value, strategic value, innovation and external systemic change.


Samia Kazi
Co-Founder, Global Childhood Academy (GCA) Platform, District of Columbia, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Technologies in Learning