Co-designing Graduate Courses: Leveraging Learners' Expertise for Optimal Engagement


Adult learners bring a wealth of experience to graduate courses. Their funds of knowledge can be used in creatively co-designing adult learner flexible courses, tap into work and life projects, and draw materials useful for other participants. This approach ensures learner ownership, co-instructing and facilitating learning, and recognizes that the teaching and learning process is multidirectional. We discuss attitudes and beliefs that underpin co-designing. We also present the technological and interpersonal skills and tools that support this model. Examples are provided for face-to-face and online courses.


Anneris Coria Navia
Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Andrews University, Michigan, United States

Duane Covrig
Professor of Leadership and Ethics, College of Education and International Services, Andrews University, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Engagement, Course Design, Adult Learners, Online Learning, Graduate Courses