Updating Classroom Presentations for the 21st Century: Digital Resources to Transform Student Presentation Projects


Student presentation assignments in higher education have traditionally been prepared using digital resources such as PowerPoint or Google Slides and presented live during class meetings. The current global pandemic has resulted in many course modalities changing to accommodate online learning options. In my hy-flex course, I provided students with a modified presentation project using virtual presentation tools. Students were able to prepare their presentations using an assigned problem-based learning topic. Students presented their project by recording themselves using Zoom, Canvas Studio, Vidyard, or PowerPoint Recording. Whether students presented in pairs, groups or individually, the resulting assignments submitted were more engaging and of better quality than past semesters. Students of the 21st century are demonstrating that they are more adept at using online learning tools, more engrossed in learning when provided access and opportunity to use these tools, and more enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge using today’s technological resources to support higher education. The psycho-social needs of modern college students are also supported by this learning model. Students that communicate presentation anxiety when required to present in class are provided an alternative approach to successfully completing the assignment requirements. Modified approaches to meeting course project requirements encourage instructors to consider the needs of 21st-century learners, in addition to utilizing their strengths in technology use.


Krysta Murillo
Assistant Professor, Education, The University of Tennessee Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Hyflex, Online Learning, Virtual Learning Tools, Online Presentations, Higher Education