Aging and Intergenerational Education: A Systematic Literature Mapping of Scientific Productions


It is important to create possibilities for intergenerational relationships that allow changes in the social representation of old age and enrich the new generations, through the exchanges established with the coexistence with the previous ones. Thus, it is highlighted that the intergenerational relationship has a fundamental role, favoring the exchange and perception of old age, promoting dialogues between generations in which feelings, experiences, beliefs and values are transmitted. In this context, this study analyzes the scientific discussions of the last five years (2016 to 2021) that deal with intergenerational education in the Legal Amazon, with a focus on the State of Tocantins, through an integrative literature review. Therefore, a search for scientific productions on the subject published in the chosen time frame was carried out, using the descriptors (non-Boolean): “Intergenerational education”; “intergenerational education and aging”; “intergenerational education and aging in Tocantins”. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, six (6) scientific productions were selected, which then proceeded to a critical analysis of the topics covered. In conclusion, given the low number of mapped productions, it demonstrates a scientific gap that needs to be deepened, given the richness that the subject raises. Furthermore, it was concluded that the UMA-UFT, which emerges as a reference in scientific production, as well as an educational space of relevance in intergenerational education in the Legal Amazon region.


Layane Bastos Dos Santos
Student, Psychology, Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Maranhão (IFMA) - Campus São Luís / Monte Castelo, Piauí, Brazil

Nélia Osório
Docente do Programa Pós-Graduação em Educação- PPGE/UFT, Pós-Graduação em Educação- PPGE/UFT, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Tocantins, Brazil

Miliana Sampaio
Professora, Educação, UNITINS - Tocantins, Tocantins, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning