Brilliantly Resilient: Reset, Rise and Reveal Your Brilliance After Life's Sucker Punches


Resilience has never been so essential to human survival and success. But Resilience is just the beginning. Within each person lives inherent Resilience and unique Brilliance—our gift to share with the world. Brilliantly Resilient will teach you to come through crisis Brilliant, not broken, creating a more productive, empowered and intentional mindset. In this program, you will learn practical tools and strategies to take action during challenges and overcome anxiety, action-avoidance, overwhelm and frustration. When individuals recognize their unique Brilliance, they are better able to create powerful teams and communities, allowing everyone to do what they do best, so all “ships can rise.” When we release the need to be experts at everything, we bring our best selves to every situation, building strength as individuals and groups. Attendees will learn to: Reclaim power, purpose & direction; Uncover inherent resilience; Manage and master challenges; Examine transferrable skills; Discover Brilliance (personal gifts and uniqueness); Create an action plan to rise and thrive.


Mary Fran Bontempo
Co-founder, Brilliantly Resilient, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Resilience, Mindset, Reset, Brilliance, Action, Personal Leadership, Wellness, Mental Health