On Decelerations and Making Them Traceable by Way of Research Writing


Deceleration is the overarching theme of this paper in which I invite you to take a figurative look over my shoulder while I am in the middle of a professional and personal work- and thought-process as a PhD candidate: That which did not - and still does not - happen at high speed in the disproportionately drawn out early stages of my PhD research project constitutes the experiential anchoring of this text. My writing comes about as a spin-off of my attempts to pinpoint my approach to empirical research work in general, and in particular draws on my efforts to articulate how I am moving towards the methodological nexus of narrative, biographical interviewing and subsequent reflexive and analytical work which is also informed by post-structuralist thought within the wide-ranging framework of reconstructive social science and education research.


Verena Meister
PhD Candidate, Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Reflexivity, Research Writing, Reconstructive Social Science Research Practice, Deceleration