Supporting Inclusive School Communities: LGBTQ+ Embedded Systems


In this session, the presenter shares the overview and development of LGBTQ+ support over the last five years in schools as well as how this process initially began. Participants will learn how community/resources were integrated and be engaged with some of the activities provided to LGBTQ+ Support Coaches within an urban school district of 93,000 students. These trainings recognize and address the needs of our diverse student population and provide educators with resources towards inclusivity. Learning outcomes include understanding diverse student populations in a majority-minority school district, learning of terms/resources for both classroom and library use, reflection through activities and prompts, and creating safe and welcoming schools.


Monica Lakhwani
Language Access Coordinator, Office for Immigrant Affairs, Louisville Metro Government, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Learner Diversity and Identities


LGBTQ, Inclusive Education, Diversity/Equity