Using Collect-Relate-Create-Donate Model in Evaluating Community-engagement Learning Experiences


Community-engagement learning (CEL) has been playing a major role in the fields of higher education in recent years. It is important to design a curriculum that provides learning experiences through experiential learning, community service learning, and project-based collaborating learning. In this project, an Accounting Information System (AIS) class was designed to provide an opportunity for students to utilize their accounting knowledge for developing an understanding of system analysis concepts and skills through a community engagement learning project. A survey was given to students at the end of the project. Seventy-eight students completed the survey. The return rate was 94%. The framework of Collect-Relate-Create-Donate (CRCD) was used to evaluate students’ learning experiences. The qualitative, as well as quantitative data, were collected and analyzed for providing information and feedback about the participants’ learning experiences.


Wei Ying Hsiao
Professor, Teaching and Learning, University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Community Engagement, System Analysis, Accounting Information Systems