Secondary Education Students' Knowledge and Attitudes about Organ Donation: Assessment of Awareness and Knowledge through an Intervention Programme


An intervention program about organ donation was carried out with 12 year old students (first year of Secondary education). The aim this paper is to analyze the degree of awareness and knowledge about organ donation after this intervention. Our study is framed in Plan Proxecta innovation program, held by Educative Authorities in Galicia (Northern Spain) together with ADOS (Blood and Organ Donation Association) and carried out in High Schools. Different activities were held throughout the school year with the focus in providing students with the appropriate tools which could help them to make grounded decisions.


Jesús González Lamas
Teacher, Language and Literature, Colexio Montesol, Pontevedra, Spain

Cristina Díaz Prego
Teacher, Biology, Colexio Montesol, Pontevedra, Spain

Virginia Aznar Cuadrado
Professor, Didactic Area of Experimental Sciences. Departement of Applied Didactics , Teacher Training Faculty. University of Santiago de Compostela., Lugo, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Literacies Learning


Orga, Donation, Programme, Secondary, Education