Using Hypothesis to Expand Online Discussion : A New Tool for Online and Hybrid Classes


Hypothesis is a tool that students can use to annotate texts and to have discussions with each other. It is a great alternative to the discussion boards that are overused in online classrooms. Learn how Hypothesis works, different ways to use it, and see how it facilitates collaboration between students in a new way. With the annotation tools, students are able to comment, react, and question the reading in real time. This is different than the discussion boards, which have more of a reflective quality. In my presentation, I will demonstrate various uses of Hypothesis and show how it can be used in different disciplines. Audience members will walk away with new ideas for their online or hybrid classrooms.


Louise Krug
Associate Professor, English, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, Kansas, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Technologies in Learning


Technology, Communication, Students, Collaboration, Hybrid, Humanities, Literature, Reading