School violence in Primary Education


The new demands that primary schools face in situations of violence constitute one more reason for the inclusion of coexistence strategies in teaching environments. The objective of this study was, on the one hand, to verify the incidence of school violence in primary school students, and on the other, to identify the socio-school variables that are associated with this construct. For this, a descriptive-inferential investigation is carried out, with a sample of 495 students aged between 10 and 12 years (M: 10.64; DT: .63). To collect the information, the school violence questionnaire (CUVE-R) was used. The results reflect a low incidence of school violence in primary school students. In this way, situations of violence aim above all at making it difficult for teachers to explain, not letting them work in the classroom and promoting rumors. Likewise, school violence was significantly associated with gender, family structure, location of the educational center, school year, and academic record. In conclusion, it is clear that although very low, school violence is present in primary schools.


Iago Portela
PDI, Health Sciences, Isabel I University, Spain

Victor Dominguez Rodriguez
Student, Investigator, Universidade de Vigo, Ourense, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


School Violence, Primary Education, Students, Quantitative Methodology