Program Evaluation Planning as a Powerful Tool for Project Management and Educational Change: Integrating Theory and Practice


All too often, the literature on evaluation practice, and leading and managing change are located in separate silos. Overlooking the powerful role that evaluation processes can contribute to the change process can result in significant organisational waste in the form of confusion, damaged relationships, rework and lacklustre outcomes. This paper initially takes a helicopter view of the relationship between evaluation and change. It makes explicit links between different forms of evaluation work, and the key steps in leading and managing the change process. It then focuses on the crucial role that program logic (clarification) evaluation plays in setting up new program initiatives for success. It argues strongly for the case of up-front planning, i.e. the case for “going slow to go fast.” Finally, it provides a series of practical templates for integrating evaluation data into the key steps of project management in educational reform.


Faye Lambert
Director, Whitespace Associates


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessment and Evaluation


Methodologies, Outcomes