Language Literacy and Critical Literacy in Greek Second Chance Schools


In this paper we present the findings of a qualitative research concerning the philosophy, the process and the implementation of adult literacy in the Second Chance Schools in Greece which were established in the late ‘90s. SCSs adopt the principle of multiliteracies and critical literacies in order to fight social exclusion. Through the findings, what are confirmed to a large extent are the implementation of the premises and the guidelines of Curriculum Specifications (CS). Thus a more animating role of the educator prevails, as well as the content’s adaption to the needs and interests of the learners, along with practices based on dialogue and communication, participation and collaboration. Finally, the aim is not only the language development of the learners, but also their personal emancipation and social empowerment which are identified with the principles of a humanistic-progressive perspective for personal development and adaption to the given social reality.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Adult Literacy