Expanding Online Teaching and Research Opportunities with an Integrated Online Research Environment


The demand for increasingly flexible learning options in universities has resulted in changes to the way that university courses have traditionally been offered, including the expansion of online and mixed online/ on-campus (hybrid) teaching/ learning methods. A limiter to the expansion of online and hybrid courses has been a lack of suitability of online methods to some aspects of teaching and learning, including clinical and research related teaching and learning. The Monash University Graduate Diploma of Psychology – Advanced (GDPA), is a new, large scale, fully online fourth year university course, and unique in its large student cohorts, and teaching and learning innovations, which include the development of an integrated online research environment – one stop shop. These innovations allow the creation of online courses with substantial research components, by allowing students, and other researchers, to conduct all aspects of research, including research supervision; participant acquisition; data collection, analysis, storage, and dissemination, remotely. This presentation presents preliminary research findings on the use of the Monash Psychology Research Portal, and how it benefits both online and on-campus research and teaching.


Stephen Mc Kenzie


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Online Hybrid Courses