Challenging Neoliberal Ideas in Education: CGScholar’s Seven Affordances, Learning Analytics and Mastery Learning


Neoliberal ideas such as accountability and the marketization of schooling have resulted in more test-based assessment and prescribed curricula. As test scores level out and even stagnate, people are looking for alternatives. This session will focus on how Australian and US teachers of grades 3-10 have explored different approaches to teach writing. These have included using the affordances of technology such as collaboration, metacognition and active knowledge making in online discussion forums, and recursive feedback using rubrics for structured writing and peer review. The session will also explore CGScholar’s analytics and how they support self-regulation of learning and Bloom’s ideas to achieve mastery.


Rita van Haren
Executive Officer, ACT Association for the Teaching of English, Australian Capital Territory, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Affordances Mastery Self-regulation