On Tutoring Features of the Internet Dictionary LexSite


In addition to information retrieval services, Internet dictionaries can interactively communicate with the user. The authors (who are also developers of the LexSite dictionary) exploited this opportunity and implemented tutoring features in the dictionary design. These features are based on lexical searches carried out by the user. The searches for translations are automatically stored in the search log. The user can select searched words/expressions and add them to his personal dictionary thus creating a personal learning tool. Personal dictionary can be edited as needed in the course of language learning. Having built the personal dictionary the user can make lexcards, which are electronic equivalents to widely used flashcards. The lexcard’s headword is the word/expression for which the user sought translations. When making lexcards, the user selects either all translations of the lexcard headword or only translations relevant to what he is learning (e.g. translations for the word bus can be limited to transportation field only or include technical and scientific meanings). Stacks of lexcards offer a variety of learning techniques since the cards can be edited or removed from the stack, shuffled, shown with or without translations, etc. Users can run lexcard sessions where the cards will be shown automatically in a random order. This educational technology has been originally developed and implemented for the English-Russian language pair, however it is applicable for any other language pair.


Elena Berg

Mark Kit


Presentation Type

Virtual Lightning Talk


Technologies in Learning


Lexis Learning Tool