Introducing Gender Diversity in Brazil’s Countryside Schools: Learners’ Achievements and the Drawbacks of Casualised Labour and the “Gag Law”


This contribution initially situates the groundbreaking gender diversity dimension of the Newton Trust-funded Project “Gender and Education in Rural Brazil” (2015-2017), within the context of the country’s legalization of same-sex relationships (2013), whilst also aligning this historically conservative space with world-wide gender equality developments as well as filling in a gap in the syllabus of countryside schools in Brazil’s state of Paraná in consonance with the forward-looking Parameters of the National Curriculum (1997). It will then focus on the learners’ achievements, along Paulo Freire’s lines, as producers of knowledge and educational resources specific to their historically conservative cultural context. It will further elaborate on the project’s political role as a spectrum of resistance to the obscurantism epitomized by the Bill 7180/2014, in Congress, designed to warrant a nation-wide value-free education. This major pedagogical intervention, however, while successfully “disrupting the consolidation of conservative narratives on gender diversity amongst participating adolescent rural agents” (César 2017), has also faced the challenges of concomitant encroaching austerity-related casualisation of teaching jobs. How to maintain learners’ engagement and promote continuity in a context of conjoined labour “precariat” and fear of expression in response to the Bill, popularly known as “The Gag Law”?


Else R. P. Vieira
Professor of Brazilian and Comparative Latin American Sudies, Modern Languages and Cultures, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Gender Diversity "Precariat"