The Use of Digital Narratives in the Education of Geography Teachers: Producing Meanings and Knowledge through Multiple Languages in Cyberspace


The use of narratives in the field of education constitutes a methodological approach of great importance. Narrating and telling stories enable individuals to make sense of their everyday practices and lived experiences. Thus, in addition to serve as historical sources, narratives have been used as a process of self-formation. Considering their potential as a formative resource and the proliferation of new languages with the development of digital technologies, we have used the concept of digital narratives to engage students of a geography teaching course in new literacies practices. In an attempt to understand how these new practices contribute to the education of teachers, this proposal aims to discuss the meanings and knowledge that they may build on teaching from the appropriation of new technologies. It is worth mentioning that the digital narratives make possible the meaning of the lived experiences through the mobilization of different languages gathered in the digital environment and, often, also in a single device. Smartphones, for example, carry video and photo camera, sound recorder, word processors and other applications that allow you to edit and create imagens, animations, maps, etc. When connected to the Internet, these devices also allow the sharing of narrated experiences and their collaborative production. By breaking with the materiality of paper and entering in cyberspace, digital narratives also travel in time and space, making proliferating different interpretations and new shared experiences. With this, the process of meaning of everyday practices and the construction of knowledge take place collectively.


Tania Canto


Presentation Type

Poster/Exhibit Session


Literacies Learning


Multiliteracies Teachers Education