Improving Student Learning Effectiveness and Engagement through Peer Assessment


Peer Assessment has been widely adopted in different e-learning platform in order to provide continuous learning through the online system. It empowers several advantages on student learning performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. There are different peer assessment systems, such as Peerwise, WebPA and Digital Portfolio System. After reviewing these systems, we are interested develop an enhanced peer assessment system to motivate student learning and to support adaptive questioning. In our work, we have adopted peer assessments in two subjects. A year-2 subject (Human Computer Interaction) and a year-3 subject (Web Programming) are selected. For both subjects, students are asked to develop their own questions and answer their peers’ ones. The year-2 subject was experimented as a pilot for finding out UI and functional issues. The year-3 subject has been following the SPOC mode with the peer assessment system support. Besides students regularly posted their own questions and answered others, there are adaptive quizzes for them to try out also. Different data acquisition instruments have been applied such as system access logs, questions and answers done by students and subject evaluation surveys. The collected data has been analyzed and its results will help to further enhance the peer assessment arrangement in future SPOC subjects. This work is done as an international student project and the development team is of students and teachers from two universities (one is Australia and one is Hong Kong). Hence, we are also interested in sharing the key issues and success factors in our experience.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Peer Assessment, Engagement