The Process of Developing a National Institute of Excellence in Education in Québec


On June 21, 2017, the Quebec Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports, in Canada, unveiled his policy on educational success after a large consultation where 15 000 people contribute. One of the first tangible actions is the creation of a national institute of excellence in education. On this orientation, the Minister had given a working group the mandate to advise him, following a consultation held in the fall of 2017, on how to design this institute and create it. The actual and effective dynamics of these consultation processes remain little known to university researchers, who often approach them from interviews, documentary analyzes or speeches. This paper proposes to discuss the dynamics of such a process from the perspective of the journey experienced by one of the participants in the consultation process of the working group on the creation of the National Institute of Excellence in Education and to relief, beyond the stakes involved, the architecture of the dynamics of actors and ideas that struggle in the development of this element of a broader educational policy.


Martin Maltais


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Educational Organization and Leadership


Organization Policy