Effect of Entrepreneurship Pedagogy on Health Education among Urban Community College Students: Impact on Attitudes, Knowledge, Job Readiness and Skills Acquisition


This research study uses an educational model known as health entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education refers to a pedagogical process that involves the stimulation of entrepreneurial activities, behaviors and mindsets. Although entrepreneurship education is recognized as important, relatively few empirical studies have been conducted regarding its impact on community college students in general and non-business majors in particular. This study plans to stimulate learning among health education students by developing an industry-engaged learning model that will generate subject interest, reinforce academic values, increase motivation, facilitate knowledge acquisition and foster entrepreneurial competencies. This learning environment is particularly effective in tying academic learning to real world practices and increasing job readiness.This study uses a quasi-experimental design with a convenience sample (N=60) for which the experimental health class (n=30) will be exposed to entrepreneurship pedagogy (EP) and the comparison class (n=30) will not. This study, using written surveys, will examine the impact (pre- and post-intervention) on the dependent variables of health knowledge, entrepreneurial attitude, self-efficacy, intent, and perceived behavioral control. Data will be examined using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multiple regression statistical procedures and be supplemented by qualitative data collected via focus groups. It is hypothesized that students in the entrepreneurship pedagogy (EP) class will demonstrate greater gains in the dependent variables. Findings from this study may contribute to the field of health education and further be generalized across curricula to stimulate intrinsic and sustained learning. Community college administrators may embrace this model as it may improve retention and graduation rates.


Gloria McNamara
Associate Professor, Health Education Department, City University of New York - Borough of Manhattan Community College campus, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Virtual Poster


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Pedagogy Health College