Lecturers’ Perception and Acceptance toward Online Course as Personal Development Opportunity


Lecturers have obligations in order to develop his/her professionalism. One of the lecturer’ obligations is to improve and develop academic qualifications and competence on an ongoing basis in line with developments in science, technology and art. One of the results of technological developments is the availability of online courses that can be used as a means of learning by taking extra lessons provided in online course sites, both paid and free sites. This presentation will discuss how do the lecturers address these opportunities. How is the lecturers’ perception and acceptance toward online course as a medium for learning in an effort to improve self-competence. The discussion will be conducted on the relationship between four variables of the Technology Acceptance Model such as PU (Perceived Usefulness), PEOU (Perceived Ease of Use), ATU (Attitude Toward Using), and BI (Behavioral Intention).


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Online Learning