University Tutors in Mexico: A Study of Assessment Instruments


In the year 2000 in Mexico, a very important project in higher education called academic tutorials was started, this project was proposed as a national strategy to strengthen the training of university students, as well as contributing to the reduction of negative indicators related to the training trajectory professional and school dropout. Currently a large number of institutions are designing evaluation strategies to identify the degree of development and impact of tutoring in institutions, this evaluation has focused on various dimensions such as tutor, program, services, instrumentation, among others. This work intends to make a specific contribution on the evaluation of the performance of the tutors, presents the partial results of an investigation that sought to characterize the questionnaires to evaluate the university tutors of Mexican institutions. The methodology of the investigation was proposed under a mixed approach of exploratory and descriptive scope, based on four stages: 1. Analysis of the state of the art; 2. Selection of 32 participating institutions; 3. Design of an instrument to analyze questionnaires and 4. Analysis of questionnaires. The results show limited evidence of documented experiences on the assessment of tutoring, as well as limitations of access to institutional instruments to assess tutoring, and little evidence of technical quality of the instruments collected was found. The conclusions point to the importance of evaluating the tutors with valid and reliable instruments, as well as making the evaluation processes public.


Salvador Ponce Ceballos
Profesor, Facultad de Pedagogía e Innovación Educativa, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Baja California, Mexico


Presentation Type

Virtual Lightning Talk


Learning in Higher Education


University Tutoring, Evaluation