The Determining Factors in Web 2.0 Adoption by University Students


This paper shows the results of design and implementation of a methodology that allowed to establish certain determining factors in adopting Web 2.0 by university students. For the construction of such methodology, the starting point was a review and comparison of already existing theories for the establishment of determining factors in adopting Web 2.0 in higher education environments. Also, some successful cases were reviewed in regard to the application of the above mentioned theories in higher education institutions worldwide between years 2004 and 2012. Afterwards, a methodological proposal was designed with an indicator system based on three categories. Lastly, the developed methodology was implemented onto a sample of students in the Systems Engineering program of the Popular University of Cesar Province. As a result of this research work, most influencing aspects in students were obtained as follows: Easy to use, flexibility, interaction capabilities, educational material availability, reinforcement given to classes, usefulness of educational materials as distributed, particularly through Facebook, Twitter and Wiki platforms. Moreover, it was possible to evidence there is a noticeable influence coming from the cultural environment, while the influences coming from other people was established as not significant.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Web 2.0, HE