Self-Regulated Learning Strategies to Master an Enriched Advanced Level Primary Five Mathematics Curriculum


The primary purpose of this quantitative study was to determine whether mathematically gifted pupils in Nigerian primary schools could master an enriched advanced level curriculum in mathematics using self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies. An enriched curriculum in mathematics was therefore developed for the experimental study that was conducted with sixty primary five pupils who were considered to be gifted in mathematics. Gifted pupils who participated in the Mathematics Enrichment Programme (MEP) were divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group, with thirty pupils in each group. Pupils in the control group were exposed to direct teaching strategies, while the experimental group used SRL strategies in the MEP. This paper focuses on the attitudinal survey conducted after the completion of the MEP. Pupils’ responses in this survey affirmed the significant relationship between SRL and an enriched advanced level differentiated curriculum for primary school gifted pupils. They strongly believe that the MEP was a realistic alternative to the present common core regular curriculum for gifted pupils in the mainstream of Nigerian education. Furthermore, they affirmed that the MEP provided them divergent thinking opportunities for using a problem-solving, self-discovery approach to work autonomously in a flexible learning environment. They also pointed out that gifted pupils who have the ability to work at a faster pace must not be compelled to do more of the same boring work from the textbook in the traditional classroom. Evidently, this study evokes the significance of using SRL strategies in implementing a differentiated enriched curriculum for gifted pupils in Nigerian primary schools.


Prakash Singh
Professor, Education, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa


Presentation Type

Virtual Lightning Talk


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Enrichment Self-regulated Learning