What Does It Take Using Digital Tools to Improve Student Writing


Employers have continually indicated that writing instruction is much needed in higher education across all majors. It has become more imperative to better prepare our graduates for professional success in an age of increasing writing necessity, data analytics and reporting, and technical sophistication. Writing assessment in a class setting has learning goals and needs to be differentiated from a mass testing approach. When learning to write well, especially relating to subject-specific content, feedback is necessary. Performing analysis and evaluation, then providing explanation and recommendations takes time. Newer digital tools can allow for providing formative feedback; and therefore transparency about grading as well. Among teaching tasks, grading assignments consumes the majority of online faculty time. This study identifies what type of online grading could take up the majority of faculty time and specifies estimates of time needed for such grading. In adopting an optimal combined formative and summative assessment model, faculty workload remains high. Results of the study might help develop more sound policies of academic support. Faculty might use the study’s information for better curricula planning and improved support of student assistants.


Sweety Law


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessment and Evaluation


Digital, Tools, Instruction