Managing the Research Process: introducing a Learning Application That Guides Learners to Conduct Research in a Structured Framework


The modern culture of learning consists of an unlimited network of information which is available to anyone with an internet connection. This culture of learning takes a step towards Marx’s ambitious “right to education for all” matching the opportunity of a bourgeois education with proletarian realities. However, this march is tempered by the fact that access to resources does not ensure an excellent education on its own. On the one hand, the quality of information or educational resources available vary significantly in the information age. While on the other hand, the 21st-century learner is now expected to use technology as a tool; to research, systematise, evaluate, and communicate information effectively and seamlessly, in addition to knowledge creation. The paper introduces an educational tool which was designed to bridge a perceived gap with post graduate learners conducting postgraduate research projects and or dissertations. This educational tool enables learners to conduct searches across many repositories using a single interface and manages and visualises the learners’ review process for both the learner and the supervisor to ensure that the learner follows the typical research cycle. Additionally, the application has many advanced features for researches to enable them to automatically conduct systematic reviews and highlight potential collaborations.


Keith Maycock


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Technology Enhanced Learning